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Our Specialty

We believe that influencer marketing is generally more authentic than corporate advertising.

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Influencer Marketing

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If you think social messaging apps are just for sending emojis to your friends, take a look at the numbers in details page.

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Social Messaging Apps

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Modern marketing is all about testing and analysis. By using A/B split-testing, you can isolate the variables in your campaign and easily identify which versions are driving the results you need.

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SEO A/B Split Testing

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In 2022, we’re destined to see a shift from traditional text-based content toward dynamic, engaging content that offers users an immersive experience.

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Interactive Content

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Geo-fencing allows real-time targeting based on a user’s location. A target area is defined as say, within a mile of a restaurant.

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Progressive Web Apps are essentially websites that work like mobile apps. They offer the functionality of a native mobile app

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Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)

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Smart Bidding through BizTec Ventures can assist you so that you can hand the reins of your potential customers pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns to Google’s AI system.

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Google Ads Smart Bidding

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In 2022, shorter posts won’t get you anywhere – with Google or your audience. Typically, posts that are at least 3,000 words long attract the most traffic.

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Long-Form Content

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Banging out a 5,000-word post every other day is great, but you won’t see the results you’re hoping for if you don’t keep user intent in mind.

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Semantic Keyword Research

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Among all the digital marketing trends you'll hear about soon (if not already), there will no doubt be the now obligatory annual claims that “SEO is dead".

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Structured Data SEO

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Research from StatCounter shows that over 92% of all traffic on search engines is through Google, dwarfing its “closest” rivals, Yahoo and Bing.

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Alternate Search Engines

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Artificial intelligence will soon be the driving force behind many services and, currently, we can help you AI implemented in the areas.

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Artificial Intelligence

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To BizTec Ventures Programmatic advertising means using AI to automate ad buying so you can target more specific audiences.

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Programmatic Advertising

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Chatbots will continue to be an important part of digital marketing in 2022. This AI-based technology uses instant messaging to chat in real-time

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With all that talk about chatbots, the reality of modern marketing becomes clear: it’s more conversational.

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Conversational Marketing

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